Increase class Aqsiq
of the registration of foreign suppliers new types of waste materials should be submitted to the State General Administration of Quality Supervision:
Increase class Aqsiq
A 《Application Form for Registration of Overseas Supplier Enterprises of Imported Scrap Materials》;
B. The colored copy of ISO9001 certificate or RIOS system certificate.Guidance documents and related operations.

AQSIQ Certificate Sample
Renewal Aqsiq
Increase class Aqsiq
Change Aqsiq
AQSIQ download the application form in English
Solid wastes as raw materials imported foreign suppliers Implementing Rules for registration
oreign suppliers currently approved aqsiq registered a total of 2563 full list
The AQSIQ certificate method of identification guide
specific circumstances ,pls Asked to Mr Zhao.
Beijing TongRuiLian Technology Co., Ltd
Add: No.12 Hepingli east street ,Dongcheng District Beijing China
P.C: 100013
Tel: 8610-64284605 8610-84366465
Fax: 8610-84366465