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Type approval of measuring instruments (prototype testing, the standard classification of material identification)


Type approval of measuring instruments (prototype testing, the standard classification of material identification)

First, the type approval of measuring instruments (prototype test)

(A) permit the project name: Type approval of measuring instruments (prototype test).

(B) permit based on:

1, "Measuring Law" Article XIII: measurement equipment manufacturing enterprises, institutions and units of production of measuring instruments is not produced new products, must be approved by provincial people's government administrative departments measure their performance test samples pass, square can be put into production.
2, "Measurement Act Implementation Rules," Article 18: All manufacturer in the country had never produced a new product measuring instruments must be identified through the stereotypes. After setting accreditation, shall perform the type approval certificates. Across the country had been formed, and the unit of measurement instruments have not produced a new product, should be prototype testing, prototype test after passing the issued certificate. Whatever is not or does not obtain type approval certificate of the prototype test measuring instruments, are not allowed to produce.

3, "People's Republic of imported measurement instruments supervision and management methods" Article: Where the import or sale of foreign investors in China included in the accompanying measures "of the PRC review of the import directory type of measuring instruments" within the measurement apparatus, the State Department should measurement of the administrative department to apply for type approval.

(C) the license conditions:

The overall conclusion of the prototype qualified type evaluation, in line with the outline of the type evaluation requirements.

(D) implementation of the authority:

1, the domestic enterprises and institutions measurement equipment manufacturing new products in production before the official measurement of the provincial administrative departments should apply for type approval or prototype testing.

2, imported measurement instruments measure the State Council administrative department to apply for type approval.

(E) permit program:

1, the domestic type approval of measuring instruments (prototype test) for the program:

(1) apply to the provincial unit of measurement of the executive branch to submit an application and related information;

(2) measurement of the provincial administrative department, after receiving the application, application materials are incomplete or do not meet the statutory form, on the spot or within five working days, inform the applicant of all content to be supplemented; application materials received after 5 working days to determine whether to accept, and notify the applicant;

(3) measurement of the provincial administrative departments to determine the identification of technical institutions take shape and inform the applicant; take shape identification of technical institutions under the State Council administrative department of the measurement pattern evaluation of technical specifications outline the development appraisal, according to the outline of test identification, shape identification should normally be completed within three months; take shape identification technology sector report commissioned evaluation report will identify the type of measurement of the executive branch.

(4) measurement of the administrative department of the type evaluation report review, which qualified to apply for type approval certificate issued units; review failed to apply for units issued by non-administrative licensing decision.

2, import the type approval of measuring instruments to measure the administrative department of the State Council an application process with the type approval of measuring instruments for domestic programs.

3, the following special circumstances, the State metrological administrative department may grant temporary import measuring equipment type approval:

(1) buy the remaining trade fairs;

(2) imports of badly needed;

(3) very few sales;

(4) temporarily with the type of domestic evaluation capacity.

Application for provisional type approval, subject to the measurement of the administrative departments of the provincial review of qualified technical information, other handling procedures with the domestic procedures for type approval of measuring instruments.

(F) period:

1, receiving: measuring the executive branch materials from the date of receipt of the application within five working days to complete the review of application materials and notify the applicant whether to accept.

2, assessment: measurement of the executive branch from the date of receipt of the application, within 10 working days to determine the identification of technical institutions take shape and inform the applicant. Entrusted with the technical agencies should normally be completed within three months and issue a type evaluation type evaluation report.

3, the certification audit: measuring the administrative departments receive type evaluation report within 10 working days after the completion of the review, review of qualified, type approval issued to the applicant unit (prototype test qualified) certificate; review failed to apply for units issued non-administrative licensing decision.

(G) charges:

According to Bureau of Technical Supervision, the State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance "on the issuance of measured charges notice" (technical supervision Fa Fa [1991] No. 323), the domestic measuring equipment type approval certificate fee per card $ 10, imported measurement instruments Type approval of examination fee and fee per family 2,000 yuan, temporary type approval examination fee and fee for each batch of 200.

(H) application requires the submission directory:

1, unit or individual legal proof of identity.

2, application in triplicate (to copy).

3, the enterprise has its own manufacturing of prototypes and the following information:

(1) prototype profile photo;

(2) product standards (including test methods);

(3) assembly diagram, schematic diagram and major components;

(4) Manual;

(5) manufacturing unit or technical test report done.

(Ix) the application form (see Forms):

Second, the standard identification of material grading

(A) the licensing project: identification of reference material classification

(B) permit based on:

1, "Metrology Law of the PRC Implementation Rules" 第六十一条: measuring equipment is directly or indirectly, can be used to measure the value of the measured object device, instrumentation, measuring and uniform values ​​for the standard material.

2, "People's Republic of measure Act Implementation Rules," Article 18: All manufacturer in the country had never produced a new product measuring instruments must be identified through the stereotypes. After setting accreditation, shall perform the type approval, issue a certificate. Across the country had been formed, and the unit of measurement instruments have not produced a new product, should be prototype experiment, prototype test after passing the certificate issued. Whatever is not type approved or not obtained a certificate of prototype experiments measuring instruments, are not allowed to produce.

(C) the license conditions:

Apply the standard classification of material identification, the need to have the following conditions:

A standard substance:

(1) with absolute measurement, or two or more different principles of accurate and reliable method of valuation. In only one case of valuation methods, with more than one laboratory to the same accurate and reliable method of valuation;

(2) has the highest-level of accuracy, uniformity within the scope of the accuracy;

(3) Stability in more than one year or reached the international advanced level of similar standard material;

(4) standard form of packaging material and technical specifications.

Two standard materials:

(1) substance use compared with a standard measurement method or a standard method of valuation of material value;

(2) the accuracy and uniformity of the material does not meet a standard level, but to meet the needs of the general measure;

(3) Stability in more than six months or to meet the needs of actual measurement;

(4) standard form of packaging material and technical specifications.

(D) implementation of the authorities: the State metrological administrative department.

(E) permit program:

(1) apply to the State unit of measurement of the executive branch (the Office of the National Standards Board) an application, fill in the application;

(2) manufacturing unit standard material samples and submit the necessary documentation, the State metrological administrative department (Office of the National Standards Board) on the preliminary application materials to determine whether to accept;

(3) measurement of the State Council administrative department (Office of the National Standards Board) review group of experts and the documentation of the samples are rated critical review, after passing the examination, the expert review group to organize on-site assessment of the manufacturing unit; expert review group manufacturing unit standard material identification and classification review of site evaluation and assessment are given a written opinion;

(4) measurement of administrative departments under the State Council review and assessment of opinions and understanding of the situation decided to approve or not. Examination and approval, issued license manufacture measuring instruments and reference material grading certificate, uniform regulations number included in the People's Republic of Standards Catalog, announced to the nation. Not approved, send not to the administrative licensing decision.

(F) period:

(1) measurement of the State Council administrative department (Office of the National Standards Board) from the date of receipt of the application within five working days to determine whether to accept;

(2) measurement of the State Council administrative department (Office of the National Standards Board) review group of experts on the application and the documentation of sample units are rated critical review;

(3) measurement of the State Council administrative department in the assessment report received within 20 working days after the completion of the examination results of the audit, audit compliance, and issued a "national standard classification certificate"; audit failed, not issued to the applicant unit administrative licensing decision.

(G) charges:

According to Bureau of Technical Supervision, the State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance "on the issuance of measured charges notice" (technical supervision Fa Fa [1991] No. 323) provides fee.

(H) application requires the submission directory:

1. Production facilities, technical personnel status and analytical measurement equipment and laboratory conditions;

2. Developed project plan;

3. Research reports, including preparation, preparation, Stability, homogeneity testing, set the value of the measurement method, measurement and data processing;

4. The same material at home and abroad the main features of the standard comparisons of the situation;

5. Trial report;

6. Standard style material product inspection certificate;

7. Need to protect the unity of the supply capacity and value measures.



Beijing Tong Rui Lian Technology Co., Ltd.
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