进口废物原料装运前检验货物名称和检验要求(2009) | |||||
2009版废物编码及名称 | 执行标准 | 其他检验要求 | |||
E-PSI编码 | E-PSI品名 | 英文名称 | 环控标准 | 检验标准 | |
4004000090 | 未硫化橡胶废碎料及下脚料 | Rubber scraps unvulcanised | 暂无 | 暂无 | |
2618001000 | 含锰大于26%的冶炼钢铁产生的粒状熔渣 | Granulated slag from manufacture of iron and steel containing Mn over 26% | GB 16487.2 | SN/T1791.10 | Mn>26% |
2619000010 | 轧钢产生的氧化皮 | Scaling from steel rolling | GB 16487.2 | SN/T1791.10 | Fe>68%,CaO+SiO2<3% |
2619000020 | 冶炼钢铁产生的钒渣 | Slag from manufacture of iron and steel rich in vanadium | GB 16487.2 | SN/T1791.10 | |
2619000030 | 含铁大于80%的冶炼钢铁产生的渣钢 | Dross from manufacture of iron and steel containinng Fe over 80% | GB 16487.2 | SN/T1791.10 | Fe>80%,S+P<0.05% |
2620999010 | 含五氧化二钒>10%的矿渣、矿灰及残渣 | Slag,ash and residue containing V2O5 over 10% | GB 16487.2 | SN/T1791.10 | V2O5>10% |
2620190010 | 含锌大于12%的烧结铅锌冶炼矿渣 | Slag containing Zn over 12% | GB 16487.2 | SN/T1791.10 | Zn>12%,Pb<2.5%,As<0.1% |
2620999020 | 含铜大于10%的铜冶炼转炉渣 | Slag containing Cu over 10% | GB 16487.2 | SN/T1791.10 | Cu>10% |
2620999020A | 用作除锈磨料的其他铜冶炼渣 | Other slag from copper smeltery used as abrasive grain | GB 16487.2 | SN/T1791.10 | 0.6-5.0mm Grain >90%, Fe2O3>45% |
44013 | 木废料 | Wood Waste | GB 16487.3 | SN/T1791.3 | |
4707100000 | 废牛皮纸、瓦楞纸或箱板纸 | Recorverd kraft paper,corrugated paper or paperboard | GB 16487.4 | SN/T1791.13 | |
4707200000 | 废白纸 | Recovered Bleached papers | GB 16487.4 | SN/T1791.13 | |
4707300000 | 废报纸、杂志或类似印刷品 | Recovered newspapers,journals or similar printed matter | GB 16487.4 | SN/T1791.13 | |
4707900090 | 其他废纸 | Other or unsorted waste papers | GB 16487.4 | SN/T1791.13 | 不包括无碳复写纸、热敏纸、沥青防潮纸、不干胶纸、浸油纸、使用过的液体包装纸(利乐包) |
51035104 | 动物毛及其织物的废碎料 | Waste of noils,yarns or others of animal hair collected from manufacture | GB 16487.5 | SN/T1791.12 | 不包括从回收原毛、毛皮过程中产生的未经挑选、洗涤、脱脂的毛废料 |
5202 | 废棉 | Waste of Cotton | GB 16487.5 | SN/T1791.12 | |
5505 | 废化纤 | Waste of man-made fibres | GB 16487.5 | SN/T1791.12 | |
6310 | 废织物 | Unused rags and scrap of textile articles | GB 16487.5 | SN/T1791.12 | |
7204 | 废钢铁 | Ferrous Scraps | GB 16487.6 | SN/T1791.4 | |
7204210000 | 不锈钢废碎料 | Waste and scrap of stainless steel | GB16487.6 | SN/T1791.4 | 金属态且非松散形式的,非松散形式指不包括属粉状、淤渣状、尘状或含有危险液体的固体状废物(下同) |
7112911010 | 金的废碎料 | Waste and scrap of gold | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | |
7112911090 | 包金的废碎料 | Waste of metal clad with gold | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | |
7112921000 | 铂及包铂的废碎料 | Waste of platinum or metal clad with platinum | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | |
7404000090 | 铜废碎料 | Copper waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | |
7503000000 | 镍废碎料 | Nickel waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | |
7602000090 | 铝废碎料 | Aluminum waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | |
7902000000 | 锌废碎料 | Zink waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | |
8002000000 | 锡废碎料 | Tin waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | |
8101970000 | 钨废碎料 | Tungsten waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | 金属态且非松散形式的 |
8103300000 | 钽废碎料 | Tantalum waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | |
8104200000 | 镁废碎料 | Magnesium waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | 金属态且非松散形式的 |
8106001092 | 铋废碎料 | Bismuth waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | 金属态且非松散形式的 |
8108300000 | 钛废碎料 | Titanium waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | 金属态且非松散形式的 |
8109300000 | 锆废碎料 | Zirconium waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | 金属态且非松散形式的 |
8112921010 | 锗废碎料 | Germanium waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | 金属态且非松散形式的 |
8112922010 | 钒废碎料 | Vanadium waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | 金属态且非松散形式的 |
8112924010 | 铌废碎料 | Niobium waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | 金属态且非松散形式的 |
8112929011 | 铪废碎料 | Hafnium waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | 金属态且非松散形式的 |
8112929091 | 镓、铼废碎料 | Gallium or rhenium waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | 金属态且非松散形式的 |
8113000010 | 碳化钨废碎料 | Tungsten carbide waste and scrap | GB 16487.7 | SN/T1791.9 | |
7204490010 | 废汽车压件 | Compressed piece of scrap automobile | GB16487.13 | SN/T1791.11 | |
7204490020 | 以回收钢铁为主的废五金电器 | Mixed metal scraps main for iron recovery | GB 16487.10 | SN/T1791.6 | |
7602000010 | 以回收铝为主的废电线电缆及废五金电器 | Mixed metal scraps of wire & cable and others main for aluminum recovery | GB 16487.9 | SN/T1791.7 | |
7404000010 | 以回收铜为主的废电机、废电线电缆及废五金电器 | Mixed metal scraps of motor,wire & cable and others main for copper recovery | GB 16487.8 | SN/T1791.8 | |
8908000000 | 供拆卸的船舶及其他浮动结构体 | Vessel for breaking up | GB 16487.11 | SN/T1791.5 | 不包括航空母舰 |
1703 | 制糖剩余糖蜜 | Molasses | 暂无 | SN/T1791.2 | |
3915 | 废塑料 | Plastics Scrap | GB 16487.12 | SN/T1791.1 | |
3915901000A | 废PET饮料瓶 | Baled PET bottles Recycled | 暂无 | 暂无 | |
3915900000A | 废光盘破碎料 | Crushed plastic light disk | GB 16487.12 | SN/T1791.1 | |
2525300000 | 云母废料 | Mica waste | 暂无 | 暂无 | 指云母机械加工产生的边角料 |
4115200090 | 皮革边角料 | Scrap of leather in size of more than 200 square centimetre | 暂无 | 暂无 | 经过筛选的,面积不小于200平方厘米的皮革边角料,用于手套、配饰、玩具等的加工 |
2804 | 硅废碎料 | Waste and scrap of silicon containing Si over 99.99% | 暂无 | 暂无 | |
注:无环控标准的货物暂不受理报检,此次同步进入电子系统的新目录中,待有环控标准后再统一开放受理报检。 |
作者:AQSIQ进口 | 来源:AQSIQ检验 | 发布日期:2009-01-16
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